Wednesday, 25 July 2012

On 23:51 by Unknown   No comments

In ubuntu, the root account does exist, However it is not activated by default. Though you should avoid this, but if you want to login using the root account, the this is the workout.
sudo -i
sudo passwd root
replace "passwd" with the password of your choice that you want for the "root" account.

Sunday, 8 July 2012

On 06:39 by Unknown   No comments
Install unrar
Note:The commands work only with a full path to the archive directory.
sudo apt-get install unrar
Using unrar to extract
there are several ways
unrar x file.rar
unrar e file.rar
using unrar to list files in the archive
unrar l file.rar
to test integrity of the archive type,the following command
unrar t file.rar
On 04:47 by Unknown   No comments

Client sided solution

This error can simply be an issue with cookies in your web browser, so either delete all stored cookies or selectively delete them for just the domain/directory where phpMyAdmin is if your browser allows this.
For example, in the current version of Google Chrome at the time of writing this post, you can go into the preferences then select Under the Hood -> Content Settings -> All Cookies and Site Data and then type the domain into the "Search cookies" input box. Then hover over the domain in question and click the X delete button. (Alternatively you could do this via the developer tools).

Server sided solution

If the above didn't work then it may be an issue with directory permissions or directory ownership of the directory where PHP keeps its session files.
I've experience this particular server-sided issue on CentOS 5.x when we ran Apache under a different user/group and each time we did a PHP update the permissions were reset.
Locate the directory where sessions are stored in the php.ini file. It will look something like this, although the exact path will vary depending on the distro and any customizations you may have made yourself:
1session.save_path = "/var/lib/php/session"
Now check the permissions of that directory and make sure that the web server has permissions to access it.
You may need to either change ownership of the directory, e.g.:
1sudo chown user:group /var/lib/php/session
and substitute "user" for the actual username and "group" for the actual group, and /var/lib/php/session for the actual session save path.
Alternatively, just change the permissions of the directory so it's world readable and writeable:
1sudo chmod 0777 /var/lib/php/session
On 03:17 by Unknown   No comments
check the file permissions of the file.
This means the file has only read/execute permissions for the owner.
To fix this:you have to change permission with super user(sudo)
"sudo chmod -R 755 /var/www/directory_name"