Saturday, 27 October 2012
On 02:59 by Unknown No comments
Rich text editors(RTE) can really save you a lot of work that is for those who do not like going the cms way.The cms comes comes with a RTE.I like the yahoo RTE because it is well documented.You can check it out here to get data from the editor ,just add the handleSubmit option and set it to be true
handleSubmit: true
to make it look like this
<script type="text/JavaScript">
var myEditor = new YAHOO.widget.SimpleEditor('detail',
height: '300px',
width: '600px',
dompath: true, //Turns on the bar at the bottom
handleSubmit: true
handleSubmit: true
to make it look like this
<script type="text/JavaScript">
var myEditor = new YAHOO.widget.SimpleEditor('detail',
height: '300px',
width: '600px',
dompath: true, //Turns on the bar at the bottom
handleSubmit: true
Sunday, 14 October 2012
On 07:14 by Unknown No comments
An older version of java was copied into the home directory under .swt. By Creating a symbolic link to /usr/lib/jni/libswt I was able to solve my issue.Run the below command in the terminal to fix it.
ln -s /usr/lib/jni/libswt-* ~/.swt/lib/linux/x86_64/
Monday, 17 September 2012
On 02:54 by Unknown No comments
This bug is so annoying:
To fix it;
click on the info icon before <?php
then select html 4.0 transitional
For Failing to open project with existing sources:
this trying removing the nbproject directory in your project folder and creating a new netbeans project with those existing files.
Another possibility:
If you encounter this on Linux,confirm that you have enough permissions in the directory you are writing to .You could be not having permissions to write into the folder and thats why netbeans can not create its folder nbproject.
You are good to go .....
To fix it;
click on the info icon before <?php
then select html 4.0 transitional
For Failing to open project with existing sources:
this trying removing the nbproject directory in your project folder and creating a new netbeans project with those existing files.
Another possibility:
If you encounter this on Linux,confirm that you have enough permissions in the directory you are writing to .You could be not having permissions to write into the folder and thats why netbeans can not create its folder nbproject.
You are good to go .....
Sunday, 16 September 2012
On 04:42 by Unknown No comments
right click on the project >properties>run>then change console type to standard output
Friday, 14 September 2012
On 23:14 by Unknown No comments
1.Install build-essential package
apt-get install build-essential
2.Install g++ if not already installed
apt-get install g++
3.You can now check your g++ version
sudo g++ -v
4.Have fun
apt-get install build-essential
2.Install g++ if not already installed
apt-get install g++
3.You can now check your g++ version
sudo g++ -v
4.Have fun
On 08:59 by Unknown No comments
First,you need to creat the file using gedit,
Then open terminal,
Then change directory to to the file location,
Then type g++ <filename>
This will create a file
type ./a.out <the new file>
Then open terminal,
Then change directory to to the file location,
Then type g++ <filename>
This will create a file
type ./a.out <the new file>
Sunday, 12 August 2012
Wednesday, 25 July 2012
On 23:51 by Unknown No comments
In ubuntu, the root account does exist, However it is not activated by default. Though you should avoid this, but if you want to login using the root account, the this is the workout.
sudo -i
sudo passwd root
replace "passwd" with the password of your choice that you want for the "root" account.
Sunday, 8 July 2012
On 06:39 by Unknown No comments
Install unrar
Note:The commands work only with a full path to the archive directory.
sudo apt-get install unrar
Using unrar to extract
there are several ways
unrar x file.rar
unrar e file.rar
using unrar to list files in the archive
unrar l file.rar
to test integrity of the archive type,the following command
unrar t file.rar
Note:The commands work only with a full path to the archive directory.
sudo apt-get install unrar
Using unrar to extract
there are several ways
unrar x file.rar
unrar e file.rar
using unrar to list files in the archive
unrar l file.rar
to test integrity of the archive type,the following command
unrar t file.rar
On 04:47 by Unknown No comments
Client sided solution
This error can simply be an issue with cookies in your web browser, so either delete all stored cookies or selectively delete them for just the domain/directory where phpMyAdmin is if your browser allows this.
For example, in the current version of Google Chrome at the time of writing this post, you can go into the preferences then select Under the Hood -> Content Settings -> All Cookies and Site Data and then type the domain into the "Search cookies" input box. Then hover over the domain in question and click the X delete button. (Alternatively you could do this via the developer tools).
Server sided solution
If the above didn't work then it may be an issue with directory permissions or directory ownership of the directory where PHP keeps its session files.
I've experience this particular server-sided issue on CentOS 5.x when we ran Apache under a different user/group and each time we did a PHP update the permissions were reset.
Locate the directory where sessions are stored in the php.ini file. It will look something like this, although the exact path will vary depending on the distro and any customizations you may have made yourself:
1 | session.save_path = "/var/lib/php/session" |
Now check the permissions of that directory and make sure that the web server has permissions to access it.
You may need to either change ownership of the directory, e.g.:
1 | sudo chown user:group /var/lib/php/session |
and substitute "user" for the actual username and "group" for the actual group, and /var/lib/php/session for the actual session save path.
Alternatively, just change the permissions of the directory so it's world readable and writeable:
1 | sudo chmod 0777 /var/lib/php/session |
On 03:17 by Unknown No comments
check the file permissions of the file.
This means the file has only read/execute permissions for the owner.
To fix this:you have to change permission with super user(sudo)
"sudo chmod -R 755 /var/www/directory_name"
Thursday, 21 June 2012
On 00:50 by Unknown 1 comment
FileZilla is open source client fast and reliable cross-platform FTPS, FTP, and SFTP also with lots of useful features and with graphical user interface. This FileZilla PPA is for latest version of FileZilla by LffL.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ferramroberto/filezilla
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install filezilla
After installation run FileZilla and use it. Enjoy
Wednesday, 20 June 2012
On 22:37 by Unknown 1 comment
I was having the same problem after doing an update and an upgrade
I finally opted to downloading a .sh file and then running it (right click on the file and select the run option),
if it is currently not an executable file,right click on the file,
then select properties,
now on the new window,click on the permissions tab
what you a are supposed to do is to 'check the radio button after the word Execute,
with this it allows executing the file as a program
With that,as simple as it looks,my problem was solved.
I finally opted to downloading a .sh file and then running it (right click on the file and select the run option),
if it is currently not an executable file,right click on the file,
then select properties,
now on the new window,click on the permissions tab
what you a are supposed to do is to 'check the radio button after the word Execute,
with this it allows executing the file as a program
With that,as simple as it looks,my problem was solved.
On 22:32 by Unknown No comments
First you need to make the file executable:
by right clicking on the file->properties->enable executing the file as program using the check on the properties window
or cd to the file location n then chmod +x
after this
double click on the file and then click on run
n/b:avoid using run in terminal
by right clicking on the file->properties->enable executing the file as program using the check on the properties window
or cd to the file location n then chmod +x
after this
double click on the file and then click on run
n/b:avoid using run in terminal
Sunday, 17 June 2012
On 23:26 by Unknown No comments
check out this:
hey,and just before you go,
hey,and just before you go,
Friday, 15 June 2012
On 22:59 by Unknown No comments
go to ubuntu software center
type ttf-mscore fonts on the search box
Click Install on the “Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts” directly in the search results.
Enter your password when requested, and click Authenticate.
To add other fonts,go to the ubuntu software center,click on fonts,to get any font type
have fun.
type ttf-mscore fonts on the search box
Click Install on the “Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts” directly in the search results.
Enter your password when requested, and click Authenticate.
To add other fonts,go to the ubuntu software center,click on fonts,to get any font type
have fun.
On 22:55 by Unknown No comments
Go to the Synaptic Packet Manager,
System_administrator-synaptic packaet manager
search for usb-mode-switch-data
for my case,I installed usb-mode-switch-data and usb-mode-switch
thats it,the rest are mobile broadband settings which you need to configure on your own.
System_administrator-synaptic packaet manager
search for usb-mode-switch-data
for my case,I installed usb-mode-switch-data and usb-mode-switch
thats it,the rest are mobile broadband settings which you need to configure on your own.
Monday, 11 June 2012
On 00:00 by Unknown No comments
<td><a id="delete_link" href="index.php?num=316&market=<?=$market_id; ?>" onclick="return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete?')">Delete</a></td>
Thursday, 7 June 2012
On 07:11 by Unknown No comments
Install MySQL Server 5 on Ubuntu
Installing MySQL 5 Server on Ubuntu is a quick and easy process. It almost feels like it should be more difficult.
Open a terminal window, and use the following command:
sudo apt-get install mysql-server
If you are running PHP you will also need to install the php module for mysql 5:
sudo apt-get install php5-mysql
To create a new database, use the mysqladmin command:
mysqladmin create
See, really easy!
On 03:01 by Unknown No comments
To install phpmyadmin:
sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin
To set up under Apache all you need to do is include the following line in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf, first type the following command to open up this file: sudo gedit /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
then include this :
3.then restart your apache sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
4. have fun
To set up under Apache all you need to do is include the following line in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf, first type the following command to open up this file: sudo gedit /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
then include this :
Include /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf
3.then restart your apache sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
4. have fun
Tuesday, 5 June 2012
On 06:16 by Unknown No comments
How-to Install LAMP Server[Apache, MySQL, Php] On Ubuntu 10.10
Linux LAMP servers are also popular, flexible and reliable as WAMP server. The installation of both servers are very easy and differ from each other. LAMP means Linux Apache Mysql Php, and WAMP is for Windows. WAMP server installs automatically(installer),you are able to use server without touching setting files. While LAMP server installs with commands. Here, I am going to show how to install LAMP server through Terminal on Ubuntu.
LAMP Installation:
To install LAMP server, open up a Terminal window(Ctrl+Alt+t), and type the following commands.
All commands have written in italic words and remember Terminal commands are case sensitive!!
To install Apache:
sudo apt-get install apache2
Now to confirm the installation of Apache2 open in your web browser, you will see It Works! default page of Apache.
To install Mysql:
sudo apt-get install mysql-server
At the installation you be will asked to provide a root password for Mysql.
To install php:
sudo apt-get install php5 libapache2-mod-php5
After this installation restart Apache [sudo /etc /init.d/apache2 restart] don’t write brackets.
Now make a phpinfo.php file and save that in /var/www to do this use [sudo gedit /var/www/phpinfo.php] write a code in this file
Now open
To install phpmyadmin:
sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin
Two option window will open in installation one for web server reconfigure automatically[select apache2] and second for configure database for phpmyadmin with dbconfig-common [select No].
You will need to copy the apache.conf to /etc/apache2/conf.d/ from /etc/phpmyadmin/ or the page will return a 404 error. To copy Run-
sudo cp /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf /etc/apache2/conf.d
Now you have to restart your apache server
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
Now open
Package: libapache2-mod-php5
This package provides the PHP5 module for the Apache 2 webserver (as found in the apache2-mpm-prefork package). Please note that this package ONLY works with Apache's prefork MPM, as it is not compiled thread-safe. The following extensions are built in: bcmath bz2 calendar Core ctype date dba dom ereg exif fileinfo filter ftp gettext hash iconv json libxml mbstring mhash openssl pcre Phar posix Reflection session shmop SimpleXML soap sockets SPL standard sysvmsg sysvsem sysvshm tokenizer wddx xml xmlreader xmlwriter zip zlib.source
Package: libapache2-mod-php5
This package provides the PHP5 module for the Apache 2 webserver (as found in the apache2-mpm-prefork package). Please note that this package ONLY works with Apache's prefork MPM, as it is not compiled thread-safe. The following extensions are built in: bcmath bz2 calendar Core ctype date dba dom ereg exif fileinfo filter ftp gettext hash iconv json libxml mbstring mhash openssl pcre Phar posix Reflection session shmop SimpleXML soap sockets SPL standard sysvmsg sysvsem sysvshm tokenizer wddx xml xmlreader xmlwriter zip zlib.source
Wednesday, 30 May 2012
Friday, 25 May 2012
On 08:09 by Unknown No comments
down vote
To best share with multiple users who should be able to write in /var/www, it should be assigned a common group. For example the default group for web content on Ubuntu and Debian is www-data. Make sure all the users who need write access to /var/www are in this group.
sudo usermod -a -G www-data
Then set the correct permissions on /var/www.
sudo chgrp -R www-data /var/www
sudo chmod -R g+w /var/www
Additionally, you should make the directory and all directories below it "set GID", so that all new files and directories created under /var/www are owned by the www-data group.
sudo find /var/www -type d -exec chmod 2775 {} \;
Find all files in /var/www and add read and write permission for owner and group:
sudo find /var/www -type f -exec chmod ug+rw {} \;
You might have to log out and log back in to be able to make changes if you're editing permission for your own account.
Tuesday, 22 May 2012
On 06:08 by Unknown No comments
Secure Shell or SSH is a network protocol that allows data to be exchanged using a secure channel between two
networked devices. Used primarily on GNU/Linux and Unix based systems to access shell accounts, SSH was designed
as a replacement for Telnet and other insecure remote shells, which send information, notably passwords,
in plaintext, rendering them susceptible to packet analysis. The encryption used by SSH provides confidentiality
and integrity of data over an insecure network, such as the Internet.
You can do this
open a terminal (e.g. if you use GNOME go to Applications>Accessories>Terminal)
type ssh root@your_ip or ssh your_ip -l root type your password and you are done
Sunday, 20 May 2012
On 05:59 by Unknown No comments
This happens when the PostgreSQL module is missing.
Make sure that you uncomment / create the extension line in you php.ini.
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers ; For Unix
extension=pgsql.dll ; For Windows
Also, make sure that the file actually exist in the directory specified by the extension_dir directive.
You can look for the PostgreSQL info in the phpinfo() output to see if it has been loaded properly. If you can't find it, it hasn't been loaded.
0 down vote
You need to install the php-pgsql package or whatever it's called for your platform. Which I don't think you said by the way.
On Ubuntu it'll be something like this:
sudo apt-get install php5-pgsql
On 05:41 by Unknown No comments
PostgreSQL is a powerful object-relational database management system, provided under a flexible BSD-style license.[1] PostgreSQL contains many advanced features, is very fast and standards compliant.
PostgreSQL has bindings for many programming languages such as
C, C++, Python, Java, PHP, Ruby... It can be used to power anything from simple web applications to massive databases with millions of records. Client Installation If you only wish to connect to a PostgreSQL server, do not install the whole PostgreSQL package, but install the PostgreSQL client instead. To do this, use the following command sudo apt-get install postgresql-client you then connect to the server with the following command psql -h database user After you inserted the password you access PostgreSQL with line commands. You may for instance insert the following SELECT * FROM table WHERE 1; You exit the connection with \q Installation Dapper To install PostgreSQL 8.1 you may use the command line and type: sudo apt-get install postgresql-8.1 Hardy Install the latest Postgresql 8.3 from the command line with the following command: sudo apt-get install postgresql Karmic, Lucid, Intrepid and Maverick To install Postgresql 8.4 you may use the command line and type: sudo apt-get install postgresql Administration pgAdmin III is a handy GUI for PostgreSQL, it is essential to beginners. To install it, type at the command line: sudo apt-get install pgadmin3 You may also use the Synaptic package manager from the System>Administration menu to install these packages. Basic Server Setup To start off, we need to change the PostgreSQL postgres user password; we will not be able to access the server otherwise. As the “postgres” Linux user, we will execute the psql command. In a terminal, type: Dapper
sudo -u postgres psql template1
Karmic, Lucid, Intrepid and Maverick
sudo -u postgres psql postgres
Set a password for the "postgres" database role using the command:
\password postgres and give your password when prompted. The password text will be hidden from the console for security purposes. Type Control+D to exit the posgreSQL prompt. Create database To create the first database, which we will call "mydb", simply type:
sudo -u postgres createdb mydb
Install Server Instrumentation for Postgresql 8.4 To install Server Instrumentation for Postgresql 8.4 you may use the command line and type: sudo apt-get install postgresql-contrib Run the adminpack.sql script, simply type:
sudo -u postgres psql < /usr/share/postgresql/8.4/contrib/adminpack.sql Alternative Server Setup If you don't intend to connect to the database from other machines, this alternative setup may be simpler. By default in Ubuntu, Postgresql is configured to use 'ident sameuser' authentication for any connections from the same machine. Check out the excellent Postgresql documentation for more information, but essentially this means that if your Ubuntu username is 'foo' and you add 'foo' as a Postgresql user then you can connect to the database without requiring a password. Since the only user who can connect to a fresh install is the postgres user, here is how to create yourself a database account (which is in this case also a database superuser) with the same name as your login name and then create a password for the user:
sudo -u postgres createuser --superuser
$USER sudo -u postgres psql postgres=# \password $USER Client programs, by default, connect to the local host using your Ubuntu login name and expect to find a database with that name too. So to make things REALLY easy, use your new superuser privileges granted above to create a database with the same name as your login name: createdb $USER Connecting to your own database to try out some SQL should now be as easy as: psql Creating additional database is just as easy, so for example, after running this: create database amarokdb; You can go right ahead and tell Amarok to use postgresql to store its music catalog. The database name would be amarokdb, the username would be your own login name, and you don't even need a password thanks to 'ident sameuser' so you can leave that blank. Using pgAdmin III GUI To get an idea of what PostgreSQL can do, you may start by firing up a graphical client. In a terminal type : pgadmin3 You will be presented with the pgAdmin III interface. Click on the "Add a connection to a server" button (top left). In the new dialog, enter the address, a description of the server, the default database ("mydb" in the example above), your username ("postgres") and your password. With this GUI you may start creating and managing databases, query the database, execute SQl etc. Managing the Server Managing users and rights To manage users, you first have to edit /etc/postgresql/8.1/main/pg_hba.conf and modify the default configuration which is very protective. For example, if you want postgres to manage its own users (not linked with system users), you will add the following line: 8<------------------------------------------- # TYPE DATABASE USER IP-ADDRESS IP-MASK METHOD host all all md5 8<------------------------------------------- Which means that on your local network ( - replace with your own local network !), postgres users can connect through the network to the database providing a classical couple user / password. Besides allowing a user to connect over the network to the to a database on the server, you must enable postgre to listen across different networks. To do that, open up /etc/postgresql/8.3/main/postgresql.conf in your favourite editor and alter the listen_addresses as below: listen_addresses = ',localhost' where describes the server's IP address on the local network. Note that this setting is commented out by default. To create a database with a user that have full rights on the database, use the following command:
sudo -u postgres createuser -D -A -P myuser
sudo -u postgres createdb -O myuser mydb
The first command line creates the user with no database creation rights (-D) with no add user rights -A) and will prompt you for entering a password (-P). The second command line create the database 'mydb with 'myuser' as owner. This little example will probably suit most of your needs. For more details, please refer to the corresponding man pages or the online documentation. restarting the server After configuring the networking / users you may need to restart the server, here is a suggested command to do so. sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.3 restart
C, C++, Python, Java, PHP, Ruby... It can be used to power anything from simple web applications to massive databases with millions of records. Client Installation If you only wish to connect to a PostgreSQL server, do not install the whole PostgreSQL package, but install the PostgreSQL client instead. To do this, use the following command sudo apt-get install postgresql-client you then connect to the server with the following command psql -h database user After you inserted the password you access PostgreSQL with line commands. You may for instance insert the following SELECT * FROM table WHERE 1; You exit the connection with \q Installation Dapper To install PostgreSQL 8.1 you may use the command line and type: sudo apt-get install postgresql-8.1 Hardy Install the latest Postgresql 8.3 from the command line with the following command: sudo apt-get install postgresql Karmic, Lucid, Intrepid and Maverick To install Postgresql 8.4 you may use the command line and type: sudo apt-get install postgresql Administration pgAdmin III is a handy GUI for PostgreSQL, it is essential to beginners. To install it, type at the command line: sudo apt-get install pgadmin3 You may also use the Synaptic package manager from the System>Administration menu to install these packages. Basic Server Setup To start off, we need to change the PostgreSQL postgres user password; we will not be able to access the server otherwise. As the “postgres” Linux user, we will execute the psql command. In a terminal, type: Dapper
sudo -u postgres psql template1
Karmic, Lucid, Intrepid and Maverick
sudo -u postgres psql postgres
Set a password for the "postgres" database role using the command:
\password postgres and give your password when prompted. The password text will be hidden from the console for security purposes. Type Control+D to exit the posgreSQL prompt. Create database To create the first database, which we will call "mydb", simply type:
sudo -u postgres createdb mydb
Install Server Instrumentation for Postgresql 8.4 To install Server Instrumentation for Postgresql 8.4 you may use the command line and type: sudo apt-get install postgresql-contrib Run the adminpack.sql script, simply type:
sudo -u postgres psql < /usr/share/postgresql/8.4/contrib/adminpack.sql Alternative Server Setup If you don't intend to connect to the database from other machines, this alternative setup may be simpler. By default in Ubuntu, Postgresql is configured to use 'ident sameuser' authentication for any connections from the same machine. Check out the excellent Postgresql documentation for more information, but essentially this means that if your Ubuntu username is 'foo' and you add 'foo' as a Postgresql user then you can connect to the database without requiring a password. Since the only user who can connect to a fresh install is the postgres user, here is how to create yourself a database account (which is in this case also a database superuser) with the same name as your login name and then create a password for the user:
sudo -u postgres createuser --superuser
$USER sudo -u postgres psql postgres=# \password $USER Client programs, by default, connect to the local host using your Ubuntu login name and expect to find a database with that name too. So to make things REALLY easy, use your new superuser privileges granted above to create a database with the same name as your login name: createdb $USER Connecting to your own database to try out some SQL should now be as easy as: psql Creating additional database is just as easy, so for example, after running this: create database amarokdb; You can go right ahead and tell Amarok to use postgresql to store its music catalog. The database name would be amarokdb, the username would be your own login name, and you don't even need a password thanks to 'ident sameuser' so you can leave that blank. Using pgAdmin III GUI To get an idea of what PostgreSQL can do, you may start by firing up a graphical client. In a terminal type : pgadmin3 You will be presented with the pgAdmin III interface. Click on the "Add a connection to a server" button (top left). In the new dialog, enter the address, a description of the server, the default database ("mydb" in the example above), your username ("postgres") and your password. With this GUI you may start creating and managing databases, query the database, execute SQl etc. Managing the Server Managing users and rights To manage users, you first have to edit /etc/postgresql/8.1/main/pg_hba.conf and modify the default configuration which is very protective. For example, if you want postgres to manage its own users (not linked with system users), you will add the following line: 8<------------------------------------------- # TYPE DATABASE USER IP-ADDRESS IP-MASK METHOD host all all md5 8<------------------------------------------- Which means that on your local network ( - replace with your own local network !), postgres users can connect through the network to the database providing a classical couple user / password. Besides allowing a user to connect over the network to the to a database on the server, you must enable postgre to listen across different networks. To do that, open up /etc/postgresql/8.3/main/postgresql.conf in your favourite editor and alter the listen_addresses as below: listen_addresses = ',localhost' where describes the server's IP address on the local network. Note that this setting is commented out by default. To create a database with a user that have full rights on the database, use the following command:
sudo -u postgres createuser -D -A -P myuser
sudo -u postgres createdb -O myuser mydb
The first command line creates the user with no database creation rights (-D) with no add user rights -A) and will prompt you for entering a password (-P). The second command line create the database 'mydb with 'myuser' as owner. This little example will probably suit most of your needs. For more details, please refer to the corresponding man pages or the online documentation. restarting the server After configuring the networking / users you may need to restart the server, here is a suggested command to do so. sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.3 restart
On 05:25 by Unknown No comments
To access the php.ini file /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
To make it work you should make you php.ini look like this:
; display_errors
Default Value: On
Development Value: On
; Production Value: Off
; display_startup_errors
105 Default Value: On
106 Development Value: On
; Production Value: Off
; error_reporting 110 Default Value: E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE
Development Value: E_ALL | E_STRICT
; Production Value: E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED
; html_errors 115 Default Value: On
Development Value: On
;Production value: Off
; log_errors 120 Default Value: On
Development Value: On
; Production Value: On
Then restart your apache2 server
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
and everything will work fine.
Good luck!
; display_errors
Default Value: On
Development Value: On
; Production Value: Off
; display_startup_errors
105 Default Value: On
106 Development Value: On
; Production Value: Off
; error_reporting 110 Default Value: E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE
Development Value: E_ALL | E_STRICT
; Production Value: E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED
; html_errors 115 Default Value: On
Development Value: On
;Production value: Off
; log_errors 120 Default Value: On
Development Value: On
; Production Value: On
Then restart your apache2 server
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
and everything will work fine.
Good luck!
On 04:42 by Unknown No comments
Create tar file
$ tar -cvf filename.tar filename
Extract tar file
$ tar -xvf filename.tar
To extract tar file with gz extension use
$ tar -xvf filename.tar
Meanings to commond tar command flags are given below
c - Create a new archive.
t – List the contents of an archive.
x - Extract the contents of an archive.
f – The archive file name is given on the command line (required whenever the tar output is going to a file)
M – The archive can span multiple floppies.
v - Print verbose output (list file names as they are processed).
u – Add files to the archive if they are newer than the copy in the tar file.
z – Compress or decompress files automatically.
On 04:31 by Unknown No comments
Your user needs permission to write to /var/www. Since you're not worried about permissions: In a terminal you can type sudo chmod a+rw /var/www and your own user will be able to write to that directory.
That will give read/write access to /var/www to everybody on your machine. It will allow you to save and Apache to read.
Thursday, 17 May 2012
On 23:57 by Unknown No comments
sudo rm -rf folder/ ~source
Tuesday, 15 May 2012
On 02:10 by Unknown No comments
On 01:33 by Unknown No comments
On 00:41 by Unknown No comments
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->use the page source on the browser
->you can echo the sql statement
Friday, 2 March 2012
On 07:26 by Unknown No comments
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Friday, 24 February 2012
On 21:45 by Unknown No comments
(CNN) -- It's a truth of the modern digital age: If
you're using a Web service for free, you're not the customer. You're
probably the product.
The sites we visit, the videos we watch, the purchases we make and the items we reward with a Facebook "like" or a Google "+1" -- all of that, and more, eventually melds together into a data set that lets many of the world's most popular Web companies get to know us better.
And they're using it to make billions of dollars.
But what if Web users could reclaim their online data and benefit, or maybe even profit, from it?
That's what a group of new startups want to happen. They say that instead of giving away data to tech titans who turn around and use it to target advertising, users should get something in return.
"I think what's happening now is that, finally, people are becoming aware of how their data's being used," said Shane Green, CEO of a company called Personal. "And in the future, they're not going to be just giving this stuff up."
With Personal, users can import data from sites like Facebook and LinkedIn and info like their Web-browsing histories and purchases to a secure "data vault." From there, they can pretty much add anything they want, from computer passwords to medical information to emergency contacts for the babysitter.
One feature even allows people to enter ID information like Social Security numbers, promising that they'll never have to spend time filling out an online form again.
From there, they choose who to share with, be it the aforementioned babysitter or co-workers or family members.
But Green sees a future in which they could choose to share it more publicly, in exchange for cash or other benefits.
So, for example, if someone had been searching websites to buy a particular make and model of car, they could choose to make that publicly known. Car dealers using the site could then theoretically send targeted deals or offers.
"We'd love to see it sort of filtered ... where you're commanding the best deals, the best discounts -- and even direct compensation -- for the chance to meet me this way," he said.
Intriguing, maybe. But is that just a way to invite digital junk mail?
"That couldn't be further from the vision we have," Green said. "The model that's going to emerge is one where people, in a much safer and more controlled environment, let some of their data filter out and decide what kind of people will be able to even reach them at all. And when they do, they won't know their identity."
The problem, at least so far, is that Web players like Google and Facebook are already getting a lot of that data for free.
"The killer app isn't here yet," William Hoffman, who is working on a data study for the World Economic Forum, told the New York Times. But he says that might soon change.
"I'm willing to bet that within the next 12 months, something big will catch on," he said.
Jason Cavnar's company, Singly, doesn't aim to one day earn users a direct payout. In fact, he says, it doesn't even need to combat the Web's current data-scraping model.
"The price of using free Web services shouldn't be our privacy. But until there are market solutions, I don't see that trend changing," he said. "What we're doing is more about actually making the data you create useful."
Like Personal, Singly lets users compile all their data in one place via a sort of data locker. (The Locker Project is its ongoing open-source effort to let developers change and improve it.) They cite some of the same convenience benefits of doing so that Personal does. (Both projects, it should be noted, are in their early phases.)
But what Singly has set out to do is let developers create hyper-personalized apps that would use that information.
"We're trying to create a new push for creativity, a new push for experiences," he said. "We're starting to see the power of personal apps, but there are not nearly enough of them.
"We want to make sure the creator has less of an engineering challenge to making your data awesome."
Green started Personal in 2009. At the time, he said, friends in the tech industry told him that it was folly, that he'd never convince many people to care about how their data is used online.
Fast-forward three years, and just a week's worth of headlines tell a different story. Members of Congress and dozens of state attorneys have publicly questioned Google's new privacy policy, which will pull data from its many products into one user profile.
President Barack Obama unveiled an online bill of rights aimed at protecting users' privacy on the Web and says legislation could be next.
And on Facebook, which has been no stranger to data-sharing controversy, some users are bracing for a change to the Timeline feature that they fear will make their past activity too easy for others to find.
"I think that it's a perfect moment now," Green said. "I think there's a whole perfect storm happening for companies like ours."
For older Web users, he said, the fear was always that someone was tracking them online and could do something harmful with the information. Now, more often than not, users resent the fact that billions of dollars are being made on information they're giving away for free.
"It's not even about the money any more," he said. "It's about the principle. I think that's the emotional vein that people are tapped into right now."
The sites we visit, the videos we watch, the purchases we make and the items we reward with a Facebook "like" or a Google "+1" -- all of that, and more, eventually melds together into a data set that lets many of the world's most popular Web companies get to know us better.
And they're using it to make billions of dollars.
But what if Web users could reclaim their online data and benefit, or maybe even profit, from it?
That's what a group of new startups want to happen. They say that instead of giving away data to tech titans who turn around and use it to target advertising, users should get something in return.
"I think what's happening now is that, finally, people are becoming aware of how their data's being used," said Shane Green, CEO of a company called Personal. "And in the future, they're not going to be just giving this stuff up."
With Personal, users can import data from sites like Facebook and LinkedIn and info like their Web-browsing histories and purchases to a secure "data vault." From there, they can pretty much add anything they want, from computer passwords to medical information to emergency contacts for the babysitter.
One feature even allows people to enter ID information like Social Security numbers, promising that they'll never have to spend time filling out an online form again.
From there, they choose who to share with, be it the aforementioned babysitter or co-workers or family members.
But Green sees a future in which they could choose to share it more publicly, in exchange for cash or other benefits.
So, for example, if someone had been searching websites to buy a particular make and model of car, they could choose to make that publicly known. Car dealers using the site could then theoretically send targeted deals or offers.
"We'd love to see it sort of filtered ... where you're commanding the best deals, the best discounts -- and even direct compensation -- for the chance to meet me this way," he said.
Intriguing, maybe. But is that just a way to invite digital junk mail?
"That couldn't be further from the vision we have," Green said. "The model that's going to emerge is one where people, in a much safer and more controlled environment, let some of their data filter out and decide what kind of people will be able to even reach them at all. And when they do, they won't know their identity."
The problem, at least so far, is that Web players like Google and Facebook are already getting a lot of that data for free.
"The killer app isn't here yet," William Hoffman, who is working on a data study for the World Economic Forum, told the New York Times. But he says that might soon change.
"I'm willing to bet that within the next 12 months, something big will catch on," he said.
Jason Cavnar's company, Singly, doesn't aim to one day earn users a direct payout. In fact, he says, it doesn't even need to combat the Web's current data-scraping model.
"The price of using free Web services shouldn't be our privacy. But until there are market solutions, I don't see that trend changing," he said. "What we're doing is more about actually making the data you create useful."
Like Personal, Singly lets users compile all their data in one place via a sort of data locker. (The Locker Project is its ongoing open-source effort to let developers change and improve it.) They cite some of the same convenience benefits of doing so that Personal does. (Both projects, it should be noted, are in their early phases.)
But what Singly has set out to do is let developers create hyper-personalized apps that would use that information.
"We're trying to create a new push for creativity, a new push for experiences," he said. "We're starting to see the power of personal apps, but there are not nearly enough of them.
"We want to make sure the creator has less of an engineering challenge to making your data awesome."
Green started Personal in 2009. At the time, he said, friends in the tech industry told him that it was folly, that he'd never convince many people to care about how their data is used online.
Fast-forward three years, and just a week's worth of headlines tell a different story. Members of Congress and dozens of state attorneys have publicly questioned Google's new privacy policy, which will pull data from its many products into one user profile.
President Barack Obama unveiled an online bill of rights aimed at protecting users' privacy on the Web and says legislation could be next.
And on Facebook, which has been no stranger to data-sharing controversy, some users are bracing for a change to the Timeline feature that they fear will make their past activity too easy for others to find.
"I think that it's a perfect moment now," Green said. "I think there's a whole perfect storm happening for companies like ours."
For older Web users, he said, the fear was always that someone was tracking them online and could do something harmful with the information. Now, more often than not, users resent the fact that billions of dollars are being made on information they're giving away for free.
"It's not even about the money any more," he said. "It's about the principle. I think that's the emotional vein that people are tapped into right now."
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